Have you ever dreamt of being Privately trained and certified?

MovNat offers the option of getting privately certified by one of our team instructors. You hear this right! One-on-one instruction exclusively for you by one of the most experienced MovNat trainers in the world!

Like a regular certification workshop, you can choose to be a candidate for Level 1 only or for both Levels 1 and 2 simultaneously.

PRIVATE Certification


• The duration is two days instead of two and a half days.
• That is eight hours of instruction a day, sixteen hours in total.
• Price: $1,950 instead of $1,350. That is only $600 more for a fully private Level 1 certification workshop than the regular price.

LEVEL 1 & 2

•  The total duration is four days instead of four and a half days.
• That is eight hours of instruction a day, thirty-two hours in total.
• Price: $2,950 instead of $1950. That is only $1000 more for a fully private Level 1 and 2 certification workshop than the regular price.


• Check if a MovNat Team Instructor lives nearby or in a location you could travel to.
• Email us, and we will connect you to our local MovNat Team Instructor; or email the instructor directly (find their email contact at the bottom of their profile page).
• You’ll be able to email the instructor directly to discuss and agree on dates for the workshop.
• Once the date is confirmed, you will receive a special link to sign up.




Ryan McGowan

USA: Ryan McGowan, Warwick, Rhode Island

Ryan McGowan owns Laid-back Fitness in Warwick, RI where he inspires adults to move better and become more adventurous! LbF also offers services for kids, our models for Natural Movement, that include classes, birthday parties, mobile “ninja” parties, and backyard “ninja rigs.”… Read more.

Scott Southworth

USA: Scott Southworth, Houston, Texas

Scott never planned on being a trainer, let alone owning a gym.  But sometimes things work out better than our plans.  Scott has been coaching for over a decade now at his studio Catalyst Personal Training in Houston.  He comes from a background in wrestling, parkour, and rock climbing but his schooling was in the Social Sciences… Read more.

Peri Zourides

USA: Peri Zourides, Seattle, Washington

Peri Zourides, MovNat Expert Trainer, is the owner of Seven Star Energy Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa, which is a multi-disciplined training facility that offers Natural Movement, Kettlebells, calisthenics, martial arts, rehabilitation treatment and mindfulness training… Read more.

Diana Matula

USA: Diana Matula, Grants Pass, Oregon

Diana loves using natural movement to explore the world and adventure through life. Her passion is helping others gain new skills and create natural movement-based lifestyles that lead to greater empowerment, capability, and resiliency…  Read more.

Stefano Tripney

CANADA: Stefano Tripney, Victoria, British Columbia

Stefano Tripney stands as a multidimensional force, fusing his passions for MovNat, fitness, and martial arts into a harmonious journey of holistic development. With an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and a dedication to mastering these disciplines… Read more.


Marcelo Arancibia

CHILE: Marcelo Arancibia, Viña Del Mar

Marcelo is a physical therapist and a specialist in human performance, and
the CEO and director of Movement Solutions, a human performance company that provides services to individuals seeking to enhance their performance through movement… Read more.


Munawar Karim

UK: Munawar Karim, Reading

Munawar’s mission is to help you improve in mind, body, and spirit. Regardless of where you are starting from—or your existing limitations (real or imagined)—he is here to help you exceed your own expectations. “If you feel a real need to improve, to excel, to be better—whether that is physically or mentally,” says Munawar, “I am here to help you… Read more.

Igor Bilinskyi

Poland: Igor Bilinskyi, Bydgoszcz

Igor Bilinskyi jest Ekspertem Trenerem MovNat, certyfikowanym trenerem personalnym i założycielem Akademii Ruchu Naturalnego w Bydgoszczy. Jego pasja do ruchu zaczęła się w dzieciństwie, kiedy całymi dniami eksplorował okolice i angażował się w aktywność fizyczną….Read more

Jonas Becker

Germany: Jonas Becker, Berlin

Das erste Mal in Kontakt mit MovNat kam Jonas 2013. Nach seinem Studium der Sportwissenschaften arbeitete er in einem Fitnessstudio als Trainer. Auf der Suche nach Übungen stolperte er über einen Artikel von Erwan Le Corre, war neugierig, entdeckte das Video „The workout the world forgot“… Lese Jonas’ vollständige BIO hier.

Rafa Diez

Spain: Rafa Diez, Madrid

Rafa Entrenamiento pasó una infancia y parte de su juventud en el norte de España entre bosques y montañas. La vida le encaminó hacia el mundo de la química, alternando con multitud de deportes como la escalada, el atletismo, baloncesto, el montañismo, bicicleta de montaña y la caza. Lee la biografía completa de Rafa aquí.


Jack Mullaly

Jack Mullaly, Brisbane

Jack Mullaly is the co-owner and founder of Ideanthro Movement in Brisbane, Australia. At Ideanthro Movement they place a strong emphasis on creating a supportive, inclusive and welcoming environment while teaching a diverse range of movement styles, starting with natural movement but also including gymnastic strength training, hand balancing, barbells and kettlebells….. Read more.